Coaching first-time filers and veterans seeking to file a new claim or increase their VA disability rating.
Championing military veterans and their families while empowering them with the knowledge of the rules of engagement to secure their deserved disability compensation.

Our vision is to be the leading voice and unwavering advocate for veterans, ensuring they receive the recognition, benefits, and support they deserve. We envision a future where every veteran’s claim is handled with the utmost respect, efficiency, and transparency, and where their sacrifices are honored through comprehensive and accessible services. Our commitment is to empower veterans to navigate their post-service lives with dignity, security, and confidence.

Get started by filling out our online form. Once completed, please submit to us to evaluate.
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You will speak with one of our Veteran coaches to evaluate your service-connected disabilities and your current rating if you have one.
You will have a consultation call with one of our disability coaches for a detailed outline of your potential new rating, their process, and what to expect.
What Are VA Disability Benefits?VA disability benefits are a monthly tax-free payment to Veterans injured or contracted an illness while on active duty or if their active service worsened an existing condition. These benefits are provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and are meant to compensate for disabilities connected to military service.
What Does A Service-Connected Disability Mean?A service-connected disability refers to an illness or injury that was incurred or aggravated during active military service. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the disability happened while in combat; it can also be due to any activity during service, whether it was training, duty, or any other military-related task. The VA determines whether a disability is service-connected based on evidence, such as military records, medical exams, and statements.
What Is A Disability Rating?A disability rating is a percentage the VA assigns to quantify the severity of a Veteran’s service-connected disability. The rating system ranges from 0% to 100%, in increments of 10, and reflects how much the disability decreases the Veteran’s overall health and ability to function. This rating then determines the amount of compensation a Veteran will receive. A higher percentage indicates a more severe disability, resulting in higher monthly compensation.
How Can I Increase My VA Rating?If the VA assigned an incorrect rating, you can challenge their decision by proving that you qualify for a higher rating. Remember, if your conditions have worsened since you last applied, you can submit a new claim asking for an increased evaluation.
What Is A First-Time Filer (FTF)?A “first-time filer” (FTF) is a term used to describe a Veteran who is applying for VA disability benefits for the first time. This could be a newly discharged service member or a long-term Veteran who has recently decided to pursue benefits for disabilities related to their service.
How Do I Get Started?To get started, you’ll need access to your VA.Gov or My Healthevet account — If you don’t have either of these accounts, don’t worry; we can guide you through getting your account active. The next step is to contact our team by filling out the form or scheduling an appointment, and our team will guide you through the rest.
What is a Nexus Letter?A qualitative report that connects a veteran's current condition to their military service. It's written by a medical professional, such as a doctor, who explains how their condition is related to their service. The medical professional doesn't need to be from the VA or the veteran's personal doctor. A Nexus Letter can provide evidence that a veteran's disability was "at least as likely as not" caused by their service.
What is a DBQ?A quantitative report that provides detailed medical information about a veteran's current condition. It's a form that helps determine disability ratings. A DBQ can be useful if a veteran is filing a claim, trying to get a higher disability percentage, or wants to submit new evidence.